Michel Rochon (New!)

Musique-conférence   Music-conference  

Music and the Brain, concert-conference.

A unique exploration of the brain through music!

One sound, one note, one melody and next… the brain comes alive. But why do certain melodies bring tears to our eyes, give us goose bumps, excite...

Music and the Brain, concert-conference.

A unique exploration of the brain through music!

One sound, one note, one melody and next… the brain comes alive. But why do certain melodies bring tears to our eyes, give us goose bumps, excite us or make us dance? Why are we touched by Beethoven’s symphonies, by Céline Dion’s vocal performances, by Ti-Jean Carignan’s frenzied reels or by Arcade Fire’s concerts? It all starts with the ear. We hear the sound waves produced by a piano, flute or violin, which are transformed into nerve impulses that reach various regions of the brain.

Experienced science journalist Michel Rochon takes us on a fascinating exploration of the musical brain. He reveals the most recent discoveries in artificial intelligence, neuropsychology, linguistics and mathematics, to provide us with a new understanding of sound harmonies. Researchers are increasingly identifying the clinical and therapeutic benefits of music.

After this concert-conference, you won’t be able to hear rock, jazz, classical, opera, traditional, rap or techno in the same way. And there is no doubt: it is music that has made us more human.

Michel Rochon

Michel Rochon is a scientific and medical journalist. For 30 years, he has worked on several news teams at Radio-Canada, including the programs DécouverteEnquêteLa semaine verte and Le Téléjournal. Today, he is a lecturer in journalism at the Université du Québec à Montréal, host and pianist.

© Pierre Tonietto


Michel Rochon - Music and the Brain


© Pierre Tonietto
© Joe Cancilla
© Joe Cancilla



29 September 2024


20 October 2024


17 November 2024

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Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Québec, Canada


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Montréal, Québec, Canada


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Agent Canada   Annick-Patricia Carrière 1 514-529-5717