Les 4 saisons d'André Gagnon

Artists with Orchestra  

This all-new show is based on the work of André Gagnon, one of the most prolific and gifted of his generation of Québécois composers. André Gagnon has, without question, made a major contribution to instrumental music in Quebec. His talent...

This all-new show is based on the work of André Gagnon, one of the most prolific and gifted of his generation of Québécois composers. André Gagnon has, without question, made a major contribution to instrumental music in Quebec. His talent has won him clear success with the public, the appreciation of his peers, and numerous Félix and Juno prizes. During his career, which has lasted more than 50 years, he has become one of the best-known of all Québécois musicians outside Quebec, particularly in Asia and in the United States.

The talented pianist and arranger Stéphane Aubin, backed up by a string ensemble, performs several works from Gagnon’s Neiges (a Double Platinum disc) as well as other works from the composer’s impressive repertoire. As writer-composer, performer, arranger, musical director, piano accompanist, and vocal coach for numerous artists, Stéphane Aubin is both accomplished and versatile. The vibrant actor and singer Kathleen Fortin joins the ensemble to perform extracts from both the opera Nelligan and the legendary show Leyrac chante Nelligan, and there will be several surprises. It’s sure to be a memorably enjoyable evening!

© Michel Pinault


Les 4 Saisons d'André Gagnon

Les 4 saisons d'André Gagnon Symphonique


Les 4 saisons d'André Gagnon

Les 4 Saisons d'André Gagnon

Les 4 saisons Symphonique


© Michel Pinault
© Yvan Couillard
© Michel Pinault


C’est la musique de notre inconscient collectif André Gagnon, la moindre musique nous rappelle quelque chose, un moment de notre vie.  Si vous cherchez des billets à offrir en cadeau, je vous assure que vous ne regretterez pas votre soirée… c’est tellement beau…

— Ici Radio-Canada Première

Le spectacle nous fait revivre les grands moments de la carrière d’André Gagnon et ravive le souvenir du grand poète québécois qu’est Émile Nelligan. Vibrante et inspirée, Kathleen Fortin nous transporte dans un monde de beauté à travers les illustres poèmes. Ses prestations sont carrément bouleversantes.

— PatWhite.com

Stéphane Aubin est un surdoué pianiste qui a ainsi rendu un vibrant hommage à André Gagnon… et ce, en revisitant et en interprétant son œuvre de magistrale façon. Quant à Kathleen, cette formidable actrice et chanteuse aux émotions à fleur de peau, on ne peut souhaiter que la revoir et la réentendre le plus souvent possible.

— atuvu.ca


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