25 Years

Founded by Annick-Patricia Carrière and Gabriel Paré in 2000, Agence Station Bleue is one of the most recognized performing arts agencies in Canada. Its growing and ongoing presence in national and international performing arts sectors, its twenty-four years of expertise in the promotion and representation of artists, as well as its keen understanding of the challenges in this artistic field, make it an essential partner.

Proud to Promote Greatness

Proud to promote excellence, Agence Station Bleue works with a team of committed and highly qualified professionals who have a thorough knowledge of the performing arts and extensive experience working with artists from various disciplines. True ambassadors devoted to creation and talent, they constantly build bridges, multiply meeting opportunities and maintain a pertinent dialogue with presenters, promoters and other partners, relying on a solid network of contacts and strategic tools. Their steady commitment allows artists to access the exposure they both seek and deserve. This is evidenced by the nearly 600 shows offered annually by the agency, on tour throughout Quebec, in all Canadian provinces and in more than 25 countries around the world.

Annick-Patricia Carrière, receives the Uriel Luft Award (which honors an individual who has significantly contributed to promoting the performing arts abroad) during the opening night of the CINARS Biennale, held on November 11, 2024, in Montreal. A well-deserved award that coincides with Agence Station Bleue’s 25th anniversary!

A broad diversity of artists and projects

A successful and visionary company, Agence Station Bleue today represents a diversity of artists, groups and ensembles, in classical music, world music, jazz, dance and circus, which have a strong potential for worldwide performing. Whether emergent or established, they have distinguished themselves by winning prizes, honours and awards. To support their breakthroughs and earn the esteem of new audiences, the agency initiates, in collaboration with the artists, concerts and performances that take many forms: tours, festival participations, residencies, presence in the cultural segments of various events, exchanges between Canadian and foreign artists and reciprocity agreements.

Marco Fortier (right of photo) retired agent from Agence Station Bleue – Agent of the Year – Pacific Contact 2019 (British Columbia).

A unique expertise !

The Agence Station Bleue has become over the years a true reference in the of performing art field. Its unique know-how and its tailored service offer give it its uniqueness. The year 2025 is the agency’s 25th anniversary.

Annick-Patricia Carrière and Gabriel Paré, co-founders and associates of Agence Station Bleue, in front of Suntory Hall in Tokyo on September 6, 2019, while attending a concert by pianist Charles Richard-Hamelin.

Prices and nominations

2024 Uriel Luft Award Awarded to Annick-Patricia Carrière by CINARS
2022 Nomination Prix RIDEAU Tournée Bouge de là for Kaléidoscope
2019 Prix RIDEAU Tournée 2019 2018 Tour (Les 4 Saisons d’André Gagnon)
2019 Agent of the Year Awarded to Marco Fortier by Pacific Contact
2017 Nomination Prix RIDEAU 2016 Tour (BJM/Ballets Jazz de Montréal)
2016 Nomination Prix RIDEAU 2016 Tour (Quatuor Alcan)
2014 Agent of the Year Awarded to Annick-Patricia Carrière by Ontario Contact
2013 Nomination Prix RIDEAU 2013 Tour (Marie-Josée Lord)
2012 Agent of the Year Awarded by Annick-Patricia Carrière by CAPACOA
2011 Agency of the Year Awarded by the Atlantic Presenters Association at Contact East
2010 Agency of the Year Awarded by the BC Touring Council at Pacific Contact
2009 Certificate of Honour Awarded by the China Shanghaï International Arts Festival
2009 Prix RIDEAU Tournée 2009 2008 Tour (Lizt Alfonso Dance Cuba)