Jamie Adkins

Circus   Artists with Orchestra   Young Audience  

Recognized worldwide for his undeniable talent as an acrobat, juggler and clown, Jamie Adkins began his career at age 13 in his hometown of San Diego, CA. His path led him to the Pickle Family Circus in San Francisco and...

Recognized worldwide for his undeniable talent as an acrobat, juggler and clown, Jamie Adkins began his career at age 13 in his hometown of San Diego, CA. His path led him to the Pickle Family Circus in San Francisco and later to Cirque Éloize in Montréal (Québec). There, he created his first show TYPO, which received international acclaim from critics and audiences alike.

In 2007 Jamie created his second solo show Circus Incognitus and performed over 1,000 performances in 27 countries. Jamie has travelled with his show in the Americas, Europe, Australia and China. He has participated in many festivals in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Macau, Mexico, Italy, New Caledonia and Bermuda. Hundreds of performances were given throughout Canada and the United States.

He has had the honour of performing in such distinguished venues as the Sydney Opera House, the Kennedy Centre and the New Victory Theatre. He played for three weeks at The Edinburgh Fringe Festival in 2014 and had a three-month run at Les Bouffes Parisiens in Paris in 2015. He has been invited at the Lincoln Centre (New York) in 2016. A Fool’s Errand, has been presented in its world premiere at the Place des Arts in Montréal and at the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) for the American premiere.

Now a Canadian citizen who has lived in Quebec (Gatineau) for almost 20 years, Jamie Adkins is recognized as one of the most talented contemporary circus artists in Canada. His performances reach all national and international audiences. His imagination, talent and ingenuity allow him to be much appreciated by his peers and the public. He contributes to the recognition of circus and clowning arts in a manner accessible and appreciated by a wide variety of audiences. He is unquestionably one of the most brilliant artists of his generation.

© Amanda Russell


Cirque Symphonique (New!)

A Fool's Errand

Circus Incognitus


A Fool's Errand

Circus Incognitus

New! Cirque Symphonique


© Amanda Russell
© Amanda Russell


Circus Incognitus: interview with a snort-out-loud-funny clown. His spontaneous improvisation and sensitivity to his audience make every performance unique. […] Adkins is a master of comedic timing who seems to be having as much fun as his audience.

— Chronicle Telegraph, December 2024

On his show Cirque Symphonique with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra.
Fearless shtick comes together in sweetly poetic show. […] In today’s digital world, what’s particularly refreshing in Adkins’ character-based show is its simplicity. There are no high-tech gizmos, dazzling digital effects (other than several nifty lighting cues), or other showbiz trappings hindering his ability to immediately engage every tot and toddler (not to mention all the adults) in the house right to the very last row.

— Winnipeg Free Press (2024)

Jamie Adkins is a clown. A true high class one. That is to say, someone who can make you laugh with trifles […] His Circus Incognitus releases pure and hearty laugh, which gives you wings. What a great discovery!

— Le Monde (France)

Adkins hasn’t reinvented juggling or clowning, he’s just made them more interesting to watch through the powers of personality and grace.

— The New York Daily Gazette (USA)

An amazing combination of artistry and drama, a performance out of the ordinary, it’s a pulsating and poetic show which delighted young and old.

— Atmts Avis (Germany)

Dazzling accomplishments in the most engagingly unosatious manner.

— The London Sunday Times (UK)

Fabulous, fluid and charming !

— Time Out Theatre, Auckland (Austalia, 2011)

I have an ambition to see James Thiérrée before I die, but if I don’t manage it, the 60 glorious minutes spent watching Jamie Adkins will be a fine alternative. If I could, I’d award him 6 stars — at least !

— Irene Brown, EdinburghGuide.com



9 March 2025